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The game just shows a black screen, I can hear the music and interact with the game, but I cannot see the picture.

Btw it's not only web version, the downloable version alo shows a black screen.

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Hmmm... I just tested it on 2 different PCs and a Mac. Seemed to be fine. Had a quick look on the Construct 3 forums and couldn't see much that would help. Maybe a display setting isn't playing nice???

I love it. This game is super addictive and only lacks difficulty options and steam workshop support.   

Thanks heaps :)

 have a question, were you inspired by the '80s game Bilestoad when you made this game?


I didn't know of that game until now. Looks pretty cool. 
With this game (and my last), I was going for a 2D Die By The Sword/Exanima style of combat.

Amazing. That explains the connection. Die By The Sword devs were going for a 3D Bilestoad style of combat themselves. I just learned about Bilestoad this week, and I couldn't stop thinking about how close the combat system was to Put Up Your Dukes (albeit slower and clunkier of course, it's a 1982 game after all)


Wow, I demade a remake.

I like it but the games kinda hard

Yeah, that seems to be a problem with my games. I'll try to make the next one easier :)

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can you please add keyboard and mouse. I love this game I’m just so bad at controller games in general (other than platformers)

Okay, but only 'cause you beat the frogs ;) I'll let you know when it's done

Thank you :)

I have added keyboard controls now. Let me know how you go :)

it was great this was the first time I got through all the characters i ended on my second fight with the spider my score was 14903

Not too shabby

You know? I think this game would translate quite well into a multiplayer mode, you know…Plug in a second controller and see between you and a friend who would beat the other to death in a fight.


Thanks man. I also think that would be cool. I might still tweak this or put out a separate 2 player version.

Oh! That's Cool to hear, just don't overwork yourself...It'd be cool to have but I wouldn't wanna impose upon ya.

So have you put any thought or time into that 2 Player Version mode? Or version.

I still think there's plenty of potential to be had in such a thing, personally.


Yeah, it's still in my head. I kinda wanna do 4 player too, but the code is pretty messy. 

Thanks for the input :)

I mean, 2-4 player Versus work too. Give the players the choice on how many fighters beating each other to death there should be. Actually, should the Vs. mode have selectable character skins? Or would there be rock solid defaults for P1, P2, P3, etc.


Omg I love all of this this. Will you release the html/minified js to play it offline?


I just did! Let me know if it doesn't work. I'm new to all of this -_-;

I'm on Linux right now, but I'll try on windows as soon as I have access to that computer

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Edit: I'm an idiot. I made a small test with Electron and a sample webpage, and I had the same problem. Only then I realized that for some reason, unlike my browser, both Electron and WebView2 recognised my gamepad as player 2 (I'm using a "Twin USB Joystick" adapter). I plugged the the gamepad in the other slot and it worked! So, yeah, it worked!!! <3

Old message:

Ok, I'm back. I tried it on Windows and I can't get the controls to work. To be fair, my setup is far from standard, I use an original PSOne Dual Shock controller with an old USB adapter, but it DOES work with the itch version. For what I see, what Construct did was to compile your game using Microsoft Edge WebView2, so maybe it is related to this issue.

Maybe if you take your web export (the one you uploaded to Itch originally) and repackaged it using Electron instead, gamepad recognition would work better? 

As a side-note: using Wine or Proton (the compatibility layer used by Steam Decks) didn't work for me on my other machine (the Linux one). But that's almost anecdotal, I don't expect Linux support.


Woah, thanks for all the info man. Proper play tester stuff. Glad it worked in the end :)

i hope it doesn't upset you, but while making the tests, I downloaded the Windows version of your game and replaced the JS files with ones called by the version hosted on itch (on this frame). By running a simple webserver on a localhost, it's possible to play it on any operative system. So, it's technically possible to make an offline Linux and Mac version, but I'm not sure if mounting it would be foolproof and worth supporting.

I am not upset, but I also only understand some of those words '_';